The club’s immediate need is to replace the roof of the indoor cricket school. The indoor cricket school allows players to continue to train and develop their skills during the winter and can be hired by other clubs who do not have an indoor facility. This makes it both an asset to the players and a way of generating funds for the club.

Subscriptions and membership only really cover the seasonal playing needs, for any larger expenditure, like replacing a roof for example the club must seek grants, which are not always available. The club needs extra funds, beyond those of membership and subscriptions to keep modernising. If you can help by donating more to the club please use the donate button below.
When you donate to any of the charities supported by The Tiger Tree Foundation, 3% of your donation, including Gift Aid, is deducted by the card processor. All other costs associated with running a charity are funded by the trustees of the charity. You can be safe in the knowledge that as much money from your donation as possible will reach the project you support.